Apps closing by themselves topic


Just a quick question for everyone. My apps close by themselves in the background. WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger are the 2 worst perpetrators. I will stop receiving messages unless I open the app once every 15 minutes. If I forget, I'll open the app and suddenly get flooded with a ton of "new" messages.

This only started happening since 5.0. I've unlocked my bootloader and installed the Pure Edition 5.0.1 and then upgraded to 5.1 leak and have the same issue. I've wiped my phone and that does nothing. I don't think it's the memory leak glitch because I will have more than 1gb of RAM free when these problems are happening.

Is it a rogue setting in 5.0 that's causing these problems? Has anyone seen this before? I'm back on my 2013 Moto X temporarily until I figure this out, but I'd love to go back to my 2014 X.

Thanks everybody!


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