AOSP 5.0.2 D2303 Work in Progress topic


AOSP 5.0.2 Barebones for D2303

Hi all.

This is my first run of compiling a barebones AOSP 5.0.2 for our D2303's. I got sick of all the failed ports and wanted to make my own from scratch. Here you have my first launch. You can not get as barebones as this. This ROM was made using the guides on Sony Developer website and should be the same result if anybody else follows the same steps.

I have made ZERO modifications to this ROM. I have changed no code, made no patches or even themed it with a custom name. This ROM is as-is if you built it following the same guides on Sony's site. I just saved you the time.

**This ROM works!**

Data / Calls / SMS / NFC / Bluetooth / GPS/GloNAS / Wifi all work!
Camera does not. It might, but I broke mine and doesn't even work after stock restore!
No lag!
Clean, basic, no-frills, xPosed ready!

Unlock your bootloader!

Be running either a modem from a 4.4.2 ROM or a 4.3 ROM!

Find me something that faults please?

This ROM is provided as-is. The sources are freely availble following Sony's guides. You use it purely at you own risk!

Let's clear some confusion with this device, which I am shocked top developers have missed!

* You **have* to be running either 4.3 or 4.4.2 MODEM! If you are running a 4.4.4 ROM, use Flashtool to drop back to 4.4.2 or 4.3 first
* You will not be able to boot ANY 5.x ROM with a 4.4.4 modem, it **HAS** to be 4.4.2 or 4.3 MODEM!

There are guides on how to revert back on this forum and I will not detail that here. But in essence, it is only the modem you need to revert back.

This ROM I would say is usable.

* Camera doesn't work on mine, but I broke it to the point it wont work in stock ROM
* Calls / SMS / Data / Wifi / GPS / NFC / Bluetooth all appear to work as they should
* Sensors appear to all be working as they should (at least compass and light)
* No lag or FCs

This is a totally unmodified ROM using the AOSP & Sony sources provided in Sony guides.

I am yet to hit anything that faults. There has to be something, this is where you come in!

This download is only available as a magnet link for now:

magnet:?xt=urn:btih:436fd4655aef5223ba4e73bf2ff2d5 aba64fb98f&

I have no idea if this will work on any of the variants of this device. You are welcome to try, but don't blame me if you break it. This ROM comes as is, is provided under the same licenses as AOSP and Sony Development. Please do not modify these ROMs and claim them as your own, give credit to the origins of the code and those who put the time and effort into making it work!

Tricks & Tips:

* Download the .zip for Omni ROM 4.4.4 for our D2303's. Extract the boot.img and keep it safe. This boot.img holds a reliable TWRP which we ca use to ''fastboot boot'' instead of flash and even make a reliable backup of a stock ROM. When you put device into fastboot/bootloader (hold power up when plug in data ready cable), execute ''fastboot boot boot.img'' which will boot that kernel w/o modifiying anything. Now keep hitting volume down when you see Sony logo. TWRP should load!

* Use this for all your backing up, flashing zips, ROMs etc. Do NOT flash it. Just flashboot boot it instead. This can even be used AFTER we install Lollipop for the same reeasons.

* Flashing this ROM requires you to use the above TWRP to wipe all partitions, System, Data, Cache etc. It's best to start afresh (I actually wiped everything except since I wanted a totally clean slate, wiping external storage isn't necessary but wiping internal is recommended.)

* Put the device into fastboot mode again!
* Extract the tarball with the .img files
* execute the following commands:
* fastboot flash boot boot.img
* fastboot flash system system.img
* fastboot flash userdata userdata.img

Give it a while to boot. Whalla, Lollipop!

If you want gapps, using the fastboot boot method above with our Omni 4.4.4 boot.img and TWRP.. Download CM's gapps for Lollipop and flash/install it.

xPosed requires you to follow the instructions for flashing the ZIP then installing APK. Use the same method above for installing the ZIP.


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