XT1069 stuck on Erasing.... Error! screen topic


Hello guys, first, I'm sorry but I'm not good on english...

Well, I got from a client, a XT1069 that was only booting up on fastboot mode, so I got some stocks rom for it, 4.4.4 and 5.0.2, tried to flash it but nothing, with 4.4.4 it give some errors during " fastboot.exe flash system system.img_sparsechunk.0 " - 3, and on 5.0.2, everything works but when I reboot, it get stuck on "Erasing... with a standing android logo, and after 1,5 secs, a small android with a warning triangle on it says: Error, and it gets on a loop, and I can't do nothing!!

Any helps?


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