[version 2.7 experimental1] The Xposed Framework is not installed. topic


I'm running OxygenOS. I installed version 2.7 experimental1 and it gives me the error when I go to Frameworks:

"Xposed is not (yet) compatible with Android SDK version 21 or your processor architecture (armeabi-v7a).
CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE: could not load library "libdvm.so" needed by "/data/data/de.robv/android.xposed.installer/cache/app_process"; caused by library "libdvm.so" not found"

A few users told that installing the alpha might be a solution. Now, to install alpha for Lollipop, do I have to delete the existing installer app first? If so, is uninstalling the app just like all other apps going to work? If not, how do I do it? Or should I just go into recovery and just flash the zip once again and then install the alpha apk?


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