[UPDATE]RECOVERY] CTR V3.0 | Xolo A600 topic



Rooting your phone and using custom Recoveries and ROMS have risks and may result in bricking your device,and has nothing to do with Google or the device manufacturers. In case of any mishap I am not responsible if you brick/ruin your phone in any way. Basic computer skills are required and minimal knowledges about phones and phones utilities too. Make sure that whatever you do, you are doing it at your own responsibility.

What's New :


- based on cwm (cwm and added improvements on top.
- bottom virtual navigation keys, to compensate the non-function of swipe in some phones
- a "nvram backup/restore" menu: the nvram partition will be backed up in clockworkmod/backup/.nvram/nvram-xxxxx folder as nvram.img. This will help if you lose IMEI and other communication features. It will work only if you have the nvram partition defined in recovery.fstab. If the nvram partition is damaged (as in flashing an oversized recovery) this will not help you, and you need SPFlashTools to reflash with format your phone official firmware, and after that flash this recovery, boot in recovery and restore nvram.
- a new advanced backup/restore menu
- separate power and wipe menu
- aroma file manager integration (you can flash the AromaFM_installer.zip in recovery, and that will place the aromafm.zip at its place).
- new GUI images, very light (the difference between non-touch modded cwm and this one is only 14 Kb, for 720x1280 resolution)
- some other.



Click here to download.

Flashing Procedure :

1. Load scatter file in sp tool and flash it directly.
2. Or i suggest everyone to use this app ( recovery tool )

If you are sharing this anywhere on your blog , updates , posts or anywhere on internet, don't forget to give proper credits to me and Sir Carliv :)


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