[STOCK ROM/TWRP/ROOT/OC-UV] RCA 7' Voyager (RCT6773W22) MT8127 topic


After much hardwork @codelover and I are pleased to release both stock rom as well as TWRP
for the 2 known variants v31 and v38. Please make sure you download and flash for your specific variant. Check faq if you do not know which variant you have.

Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10TP 32bit or 64bit
SPFT (Windows Version) “linux version coming soon”
Correct Scatter File
Preloader Drivers (if you do not know how to install manually go here)
A Brain


For flashing either pre-rooted Rom and/or TWRP you will need spft+scatter file. It is imperative that you make sure that if you got a v31 you only uses v31 files not v38. Same for the v38 users only use v38 files. You have been warned.

Flashing Rom:
Make sure
Run the file flash_tool.exe
Click on scatter-loading and select your MT8127_Android_scatter_RCA_Vx.txt file
Make sure all listed files are checked and if any isn't double click on it and select the appropriate file
Leave settings as Download Only “if working tab Format All + Download "if wont boot' then hit the Download button
Make sure your tablet is completely switched off then connect it to your PC and the flashing process will commence immediately.
Once it's done, you'll see the tick sign below and that's all. Reboot your device and setup your device afresh.
SPFT Flashing

Flashing TWRP:
Same as above except only check mark recovery and select “recovery_twrp2860_vXX.img” and nothing else then proceed.

How to ROOT:
*With stock recovery: Kingo

*With TWRP: SuperSu


Pre-Rooted Stock ROM (scatter file included in zip and attached below)
TWRP (scatter file included in zip and attached below)

(V38-V1.8.0 USERS ONLY)
Pre-Rooted Stock ROM (scatter file included in zip and attached below) ()
TWRP (scatter file included in zip and attached below)


Please keep thread clean and DO NOT ask things others have asked already as you will be ignored. If you do have a honest question and have a working knowledge of android. I would be glad to assist you the best I can. If you are noob and messed something up DO NOT ask for help. Meaning basics of knowing adb,logcat, installing drivers, and so forth. Sorry if you are a noob but please try to understand that things we may ask of your will require this and becomes too much of a slow down if we have to guide you thur everything.

@teamwin – Dees_Troy & his team mates, for TWRP Recovery
@codelover - For being an awesome programmer, dev and person!
@TripFX - For being an awesome Tester, v38 rom dump and Dev Machine Hoster
@synius - For v31 rom dump and tester
@nathanski - Tester
@acejay3200 – Being a nice lab rat with knowing we may not be able to fix his tablet and not being rude.

Others I may have missed


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