Samsung Galaxy S6 edge is a WASTE OF MONEY! topic


I am very disappointed!
Samsung Galaxy S6 edge, WASTE OF MONEY!
double down....

I was trying to choose between iphone 6 and the new S6 edge, since S6 edge model is one of a kind and got new design.. I decided to buy the Samsung.
After 2 days, my phone become like this. I only place it in my coat pocket so it will be safe. Rather than to place it in my jeans pocket. In my shock, I saw my back camera glass was cracked. I didn't bumped to anything neither drop it. Unexpectedly, it was DAMAGED! I bought a phone that has a Lousy, low quality material which I paid for ,168 sgd! I am very very UPSET!

When I went to the Samsung store to report it they told me they cant replace it with the new one. The only choice is to go at the Samsung service Center and repair.
To make the long story short, the manager and all staff can't give me clear answer why does it happen.* And cant guarantee me that it wont happen the same thing once I agree for the repair. Btw, One scenario that really makes me show the evil side of me is that they asked me to pay for another 0 for the repair! What the hell are they talking about! I only used it for 2 days and they are asking me to pay for the repair which i dont even know what happened!
*Guys I had been using Samsung for quite long and this is the first time I encounter it. It was very embarassing. And gives me so much trouble... just a word of advice THINK TWICE,THRICE, before getting one! Waste of money!!! See for yourself!


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