S Duos 3 Theme For S Duos 2 GT-S7582 topic


Hey All
Introducing My New Theme :S Duos 3 Theme For S Duos 2
Based On Stock 4.2.2 Firmware

Warnings(Read this before flashing) :
1.Fully Improvised User Interface Like S Duos 3
2. You are now Void your Warranty
3. Backup all your personal apps and important data to avoid loosing them
4. Do all steps perfectly And carefully
5. I am not responsible for any mistake and Brick your phone
6.You must be rooted before flashing this rom and must have CWM recovery installed

Features :
1. Fully S Sous 3 Themed
2. Odexed
4. Few statusbar Icon added
5. Optimized Ram memory
6. S Duos 3 boot animation,sounds etc added

How To Install :
1. Download Folder Of the Rom From MediaFire Link Given Below
2. You Mast Have Clock Work Mode Recovery on your device . If not then Follow the link :
3. After Download Folder
4. Copy the S duos 3 Rom Folder on Your SD card
5. Turn off Your Phone And press Volume up button+home button+power at a time
6. After appearing CWM recovery go to install Zip and click on folder of s duos 3 rom After click on s duos 3theme.zip then install zip from sd card you downloaded before
7. Now reboot system and wait for approximately 10 minutes
8. Now you are good to use this theme ......

Downloads :

No bug,If u find any then contact me

Known Issue:
If u get an email force close error then go to root/system/app delete the sec email.apk

Contact-You can contact me on Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/ninad.patil.1297
You can contact me on Whatsapp-+918097029402


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