[ROM][Shamu/Nexus 6][5.1 R5][LMY47O] Purity ROM - 4/17/2015 [UNOFFICIAL] topic


Hi All,
Some of you probably recognize me as the guy who brought Beanstalk to the N6. Here's my port of PurityROM for the Nexus 6. This is just stock purity with no changes, other than the work to get the Nexus 6 working. I am not affiliated in ANY way with DariosF or anyone from the Purity team. The kernel is the stock android kernel. I don't have a good features list, but it's safe to say this ROM has more customization options than most of the other 5.1 ROMs have ATM. I don't have a build bot, and usually I'm trying to build while raid leading on World of Warcraft, so builds will happen when they happen.

- Circle Battery
- Various customization for status bar including bandwidth, clock changes, etc
- Tons of other options in the Purity menu
- Compiled with Linaro 4.9 GCC [next build will be with Linaro Toolchain as well]

Google for the Android with which we play
I would also like to thank anyone else who has ever answered my n00b dev questions when I was getting started, as well as everyone who has posted articles to XDA University and other sites with basic information about getting started with building Android

You tell me, I haven't found any yet.

I have tested this ROM on my own phone to the best of my ability. Your phone is your business. If you come back here and complain that you bricked your device or anything else using this ROM, you will probably get laughed at. That said, I wouldn't post it here if I thought there was anything wrong with it. If you install this, you are taking the risk, and anything bad that happens is on you.

That said, if people find issues, I will do my best to help. Also, please remember most of the people that are posting ROMs or anything else here are doing this in their free time for FUN, so let's try to keep this thread that way. A little off topic is fine, just nothing rude, or inappropriate.

Download Folder on Android Filehost: Here!!

A note on GAPPS: You can use either the Paranoid Android GAPPS or Banks. I've tested flashing with both, and no issues.

I am currently running this with Franco Kernel on the latest 5.1 release. This should work with ANY kernel, and the stock one seems to perform great (can't speak to battery life much though as I went straight to FK after first boot).

Source: https://github.com/Purity-Lollipop
Kernel: https://android.googlesource.com/device/moto/shamu


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