[ROM][PORT][GALAXY POCKET]Xperian Blaze Project - Xperian™ Z |Cori| topic
[ROM][PORT][GALAXY POCKET]Xperian Blaze Project - Xperian™ Z |Cori|
Caution: This update should be strictly applied to the devices which are having the model number as Samsung Galaxy Pocket GT-S5300.
Disclaimer: Neither this website, nor developer should be held responsible for any damage happened to your device in the process of following the instructions mentioned in this article. It’s very unlikely that there will be any issues but just in case if at all there are any issues then we are committed to help you in solving the same.
I'm not responsible for bricking your phone but that probably wont happen..
Xperian Z.Cori.zip (MediaFire, 90 MB)
gapps-gb-20110828-signed.Zip (Goo.im 6 MB)
Installation Step:
Screenshots:(Click Image for larger size)
Attachment 3265805 Attachment 3265806 Attachment 3265807
Attachment 3265808 Attachment 3265811 Attachment 3265812
Attachment 3265813 Attachment 3265814 Attachment 3265815
Attachment 3265816 Attachment 3265817 Attachment 3265818
Attachment 3265819 Attachment 3265820 Attachment 3265821
Attachment 3265822 Attachment 3265824 Attachment 3265825
Attachment 3265826
Known Bugs / To do / Tips:
Setup Launcher Layout:
The Xperia Launcher is to be configured on first use. This rom zip file automatically copies xperia_launcher_backup to the SD Card. You need to restore it through the following process.
brijeshep - For giving credit and letting me port him rom to Cori
BlazeXperia - Xperian™ Z Original Work
evgen.ivashh8 for Unofficial CM7 and Kernel
D01 MicroApps - Boot Animation Creator
Virtuous Ten Studio - Recompiling apks
Notepad++ - Editing xml, smali
ZipSigner - Signing rom zip files
Adobe Photoshop - Editing pics
7Zip & WinRAR - Extracting resources
Search Everything Tool - Quick Searching files in my PC
QtADB Tool - ADB File transfer
Google Chrome Browser in PC - Getting those Android Versions Wallpapers from it's cache & It's my best internet gateway...
Google Images - Searching Icons...
My HCL Me Netbook
BSNL Broadband...
If I forget anyone... Just PM Me...before world war Z happen...
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if you like this rom..
HTML Code:
* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
# Xperian™ Z is a Custom ROM based on Unofficial CyanogenMod 7.2 build by evgen.ivashh8 # It's a Port from Xperian™ Z ROM for Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 Mini by BlazeXperia & ported to cori from Galaxy Ace S5830 by brijeshep Big Thanks to him both ! # It's Gingerbread 2.3.7; but heavily themed to look like Sony Xperia™ Z! # Devices Supported : Samsung Galaxy Pocket GT-S5300 (Also known as "Cori") # Android development community is free and open sourced. So you need not to pay for using this ROM. :laugh::laugh::laugh: # All the applications included in the ROM are free. There is no warez. If you found any paid app please PM me. # This is not a Copyrighted ROM. You can use any part of this ROM (APKs, Mods etc). Just list my name in credits... Check my Credits section for some original works. # Those who want to port this to another device, please ask for permission from the Original Developer, BlazeXperia AND from man who port to Cooper, brijeshep. |
Caution: This update should be strictly applied to the devices which are having the model number as Samsung Galaxy Pocket GT-S5300.
Disclaimer: Neither this website, nor developer should be held responsible for any damage happened to your device in the process of following the instructions mentioned in this article. It’s very unlikely that there will be any issues but just in case if at all there are any issues then we are committed to help you in solving the same.
I'm not responsible for bricking your phone but that probably wont happen..
- Xperia Z Styled Icons
- Xperia Z Media
- Xperia Z Boot Animation
- Xperia Z Wallpapers
- Xperia Transitions
- Xperia Widgets
- Super Fast Performance
- Stable And Perfect For Day-To-Day Use
- Rooted...
Latest G-Apps Included(You mast flash the G-Apps from the download link that I given below)- Memory Cleaner Widget
Soft Buttons Light Tool- Lot's of Customizations inside...
Xperian Z.Cori.zip (MediaFire, 90 MB)
gapps-gb-20110828-signed.Zip (Goo.im 6 MB)
Installation Step:
- You have to download the ROM zip file.
- Copy it to your phone's SD Card.
- Turn off your phone
- Go to recovery mode (ClockWork Recovery) (Home screen button + Power button)
- If you are on Stock Recovery, You've to flash vM00CWMv3f recovery by vm00 before installing this ROM.
- We appreciate to BACKUP your Current ROM before moving to next step
- Select wipe data / reset and Confirm the action
- Select wipe cache partition and Confirm the action
- Mount /data & /system
- Select install zip from sd and select the rom zip file & Confirm the action
- Enjoy! :highfive:
Screenshots:(Click Image for larger size)
Attachment 3265805 Attachment 3265806 Attachment 3265807
Attachment 3265808 Attachment 3265811 Attachment 3265812
Attachment 3265813 Attachment 3265814 Attachment 3265815
Attachment 3265816 Attachment 3265817 Attachment 3265818
Attachment 3265819 Attachment 3265820 Attachment 3265821
Attachment 3265822 Attachment 3265824 Attachment 3265825
Attachment 3265826
Known Bugs / To do / Tips:
Soft Buttons Light is not at all proper but can be controlled by Buttons Light Tool(Galaxy Pocket GT-S5300 don't support the soft Buttons Light)- Some Menu Colors Are White In White
- Rotary Lockscreen is not in a proper size
- Torch app(Galaxy Pocket GT-S5300 don't have flash light)
- You tell me...
Setup Launcher Layout:
The Xperia Launcher is to be configured on first use. This rom zip file automatically copies xperia_launcher_backup to the SD Card. You need to restore it through the following process.
- In the first screen press Menu key and go to Preferences
- In the menu, select Backup And Restore
- Select Restore Settings
- Press YES and you are done....
brijeshep - For giving credit and letting me port him rom to Cori
BlazeXperia - Xperian™ Z Original Work
evgen.ivashh8 for Unofficial CM7 and Kernel
D01 MicroApps - Boot Animation Creator
Virtuous Ten Studio - Recompiling apks
Notepad++ - Editing xml, smali
ZipSigner - Signing rom zip files
Adobe Photoshop - Editing pics
7Zip & WinRAR - Extracting resources
Search Everything Tool - Quick Searching files in my PC
QtADB Tool - ADB File transfer
Google Chrome Browser in PC - Getting those Android Versions Wallpapers from it's cache & It's my best internet gateway...
Google Images - Searching Icons...
My HCL Me Netbook
BSNL Broadband...
If I forget anyone... Just PM Me...before world war Z happen...
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