[ROM] [JB - 4.2.1] RiVaLs RoM™ - v3 Lollipop EdiTioN [AROMA] topic


Following is a rom based on Ankit Rawat Rival's Rom for the Micromax A110. [ permissions taken ]



Post #1 - Features | Instructions

Post #2 - Changelogs | Downloads | Credits

Post #3 - Screenshots

Post #4 - Addons | F.A.Q

Post #5 - RESERVED


[*] Lollipop Themed
[*] Lollipop Framework Animations
[*] Updated G-Apps
[*] Lollipop Themed Recent Card View
[*] Material Design Keyboard
[*] ES File Manager - Default
[*] Themed all Apps - The lollipop Style!
[*] Nova Material Launcher
[*] Google Camera & Gallery
[*] Google Calendar
[*] Google Play Music
[*] Quick Office Notes
[*] Themed AOSP Browser
[*] Themed Calculator
[*] Themed DeskClock App
[*] Themed Contacts and Dialer App
[*] ViPER4Android Audio Engine
[*] Themed like Material Design
[*] Themed SystemUI to look like lollipop
[*] Themed Settings
[*] Owner Profile in SystemUI
[*] Lollipop Like Running View
[*] Personalization Menu
[*] Status Bar Network Traffic Meter - Thinking Bridge / Charmaleon OS
[*] Lollipop Toggle
[*] Android Lollipop Easter Eggs - Eggster / Weblit's (L Land) Apps.
[*] Aroma Installer


[*] Download Rom from second post and place it in your SD card

[*] Reboot to Recovery

[*] Wipe /cache | /Dalvik-Cache

[*] Flash Rom Update

[*] Aroma Installer will lead your way to the end

[*] Reboot


Rivals Rom v1.0

XDA:DevDB Information
FuSiOn RoM, ROM for the Micromax A110

Rohit Gupta, Ankit Rawat
ROM OS Version: 4.2.1 JB
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: AOSP

Version Information
Status: Stable
Stable Release Date: 2015-02-07

Created 2015-02-07
Last Updated 2015-03-12[/QUOTE]


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