[q] what happened to my xperia tipo? topic


I was flashing a custom rom which name gimlo in my SONY XPERIA TIPO (ST21i) but at the time of flashishing it shows some massage that was 'its not support sony xperia tipo but its support tipoica' i was continue flashing and its ask me to install some appliication in my tipo current android 4.0 ICS.
i allowed them all app to install in my st21i current STOCK ROM after that my phone booted properly and some new application shows in my application list (thats all app are installed from gimlo rom app packege).After that i was switched off my smartphone and try to strat it again but it was not starting after many try and i was plugged it in charger but its not charging and also it is not showing any connection from PC after connect it thru USB data cable
Iwas leave my phone to charging for some 2 to 3 hours and tried to start my phone using power volume up and volume down key semountesly but only red light blinking 3 times continiusly and if i plugged in charger in my phone and try above method for starting my phone red light not litting.
What happened in my phone i dont know plz help me THANK YOU.
:) :) :)


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