[Q] What am I getting myself into... Input requested. topic


I've been out of the Android game for a while now, my last device was a 1st gen Motorola Droid, Android 1.6. I'm coming back because I like the granular access the environment provides and I want the ability to tighten controls on my privacy, including UFED/XRY protection, and future IMSI detection/protection. Android just feels more relevant now than it did a few years back.

The iPhone spoiled me in terms of build quality and finish; I like metal, I like glass and I dislike plastic immensely... That said, the only two phones that look at all interesting are the M9 and the S6 Edge... I've preordered a Gold S6 Edge that will ship in a few weeks time. Between the two, in my eyes, there's really no comparison... I like how uncluttered touchwiz looks; I dislike Sense very much. The S6 screen blows the M9 out of the water, basically I'm just very enamored with the phone, the M9 almost completely bores me... I don't care about boom sound. At all.

I should mention I've been on Verizon for about a decade.

That said. I've been reading about older models (S4, S5, Note) trying to get a handle on the development situation and it doesn't look promising. I'm confident the S6 will be rooted, I know not everyone is, but I'm concerned that Samsung's bootloader and Exynos architecture are going to complicate the hell out of modding this phone.

I don't NEED custom ROM's (though I would love CM12) but I do need root. Running xposed/xprivacy, AFWall+ and other such apps demand it. So what's the general opinion? I don't have a feel for the community or the history anymore and that's why I'm asking... Are these concerns warranted or does probability say we'll move past them and the S6 will be a fine choice... Input welcomed.


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