[Q] Towel Root VS Hasson2000 topic


I Want to root my phone .. well i searched alot and im pretty known with all the terms .. but one thing that i dont understand is the towel root and the temp root against the perm root .. i want to do a permant root and install twrp recovery too ! but i dont know with each tool i should do that ! im having a macbook and i also can use a pc for the root . i can use towel root from my phone but theres something i dont understand ! is it opening my bootloader ? how am i supposed to install the twrp ? i check the hasoon2000 and its looks pretty easy and good ! and i also check a video of sakitech that seems good too ! what should i do and i would be happty if someone will explain me this terms !!! ty !

i opened a while ago thread about a problem that im having on my htc one the battery keeps changing to the maximum without i even touching the phone , this problem started a while ago and no seems to solve this problem . of course that auto bright is off . please help me ! im scared so much of rooting ! even if i go to the bootloader im scared of doing it but i still want to root !


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