[Q] ThL W200S not wifi connection topic


Good evening everyone. I have a problem with a thl w200s Android 4.2.2, root. I took it for about a year, and some days I do not see more than the Wi-Fi networks at home. I thought I had broken the wi-fi module and tried to leave it on outside the home (usually it I turned off to conserve battery life) and I saw that snaps normally networks located around. Unfortunately I could not try a real connection because they were all secure connections and I have no network keys. Instead home connections not just see me. I have a PC, a tablet and a jiayu G4S who connect perfectly. Does anyone have an idea of what can be done to fix this problem? :confused: Thank you all.
This is the version of firmware installed
THL W200S.156D.A1.JB9.HD.EN.8P256.OV8825.MT6592GW.2014 0618


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