[Q] Swipe back from Magazine to homescreen topic


I'm going to buy S6 but I would only go for the unlocked/non-carrier version so I'm still waiting. During the time, I try S6/edge several times at Bestbuy and did find something very strange when I swipe the screen left or right. I didn't realize it's the problem(actually I was thinking my finger was too dry) until I tried the S5 right next to it and didn't find anything wrong.

It happens when you swipe left back to Homescreen from magazine app(Flipboard integrated). It's playing animation and don't let you do anything during this animation. So basically if you swipe left twice quickly, it is supposed to go to the second screen on the right but it didn't. That works fine on S5 but not on S6. On S6 the second swipe(or any extra swipe after that but before the animation is over) didn't work and didn't react to your finger until the animation is played completely. I am not sure if it's the problem of display phones or a general problem.

Did anyone find the same problem?



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