[Q] Stuck in bootloop and recovery vanished topic


Ok, so something seems to have gone very wrong with flashing my phone :S

I managed to get recovery working yesterday, and followed the steps in this thread, http://forum.xda-developers.com/xper...ckage-t2933155 , to create a pre-rooted 5.0.2 image. I put it on the external SD card, booted into recovery and installed the flashable zip, then used flashtool to flash with the instructions (though I also cleared Appslog, Cache and Data to get a fresh install). This went fine and everything appeared to be ok. I then tried to get the Xposed Alpha installed, but after that whenever the phone was rebooting it just hung if trying to boot to Android. I tried re-flashing with Flashtool, but still got the same issue. Would boot fine the first time, but then any restart it would just hang and crash out. Tried clearing the cache from recovery, but no difference.

So today, I went into recovery, re-installed the flashable.zip, then powered off the phone and flashed using flashtool, just as I had yesterday. Now though, my phone wont boot. It shows the Sony logo, then a blank screen, then restarts. Even worse, it will no longer boot into recovery. I hold the volume down button when the LED shows, nothing. I try holding the volume down button all the way through several bootloops, nothing.

I've tried to re-flash using flashtool which goes through the process ok, I can hold the volume down button and connect the cable once its in the process of rebooting, and it goes through all the process fine. It then powers off as expected and I can just disconnect and power on the phone. But it's still stuck in the bootloop and I don't have TWRP recovery.

Is there anything I can do to get my Z2 working?


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