[Q] S4 Mini, aid: 0(INVALID AID!!!), gmail, play store, YT etc. not working anymore topic


Hi guys. A while ago I wiped cache and dalvik cache of my phone (Samsung GT-I9195 on official 4.2.2 rooted) and this was like one of the biggest mistake of my life.

I can't access play store (no connection error), gmail, youtube, gcm push is not working anymore etc. From gtalk service monitor I noticed this:

Time since service creation: (boot time)
aid: 0(INVALID AID!!!)

I don't know how to fix this problem without recurring to factory reset / flash the whole firmware again with Odin. So far I tried:

wiping cache, dalvik cache again
delete data and cache of google play, play services, services framework
flash through CWM gapps packages

Please help :( Should I try to delete updates of play services too and flash the latest version with CWM (since I can't access play store anymore)? If so, where can I find a version of play services suitable for my phone and android version?


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