[Q] Proximity Sensor broken, how to keeo screen on?! topic


Hey there,

I managed to drop my phone like perfectly flat on concrete and that made it crack. I Bought a glass replacement as the digitizer was still working and exchanged it.
Now whenever i make a call the screen goes OFF and since the proximity sensor is not working won't come back on until the call is disconnected (The sensor works intermintently, but less then more)

Things i did:
- Used Sensor Kinetics to disable the proximity sensor... no change... screen goes off and wont come back on until the call is disconnected
- Installed KeepScreen - no change... screen goes off and wont come back on until the call is disconnected
- Installed Screen On - no change... screen goes off and wont come back on until the call is disconnected
- Looked for settings in the dialer to prevent screen from going off but found nothing..

I`m to keen to open the phone again since i have to open up the clamps on each side and they might brake.

I need a way to keep the freaggin screen from turning off during a call.. that is all... Any ideas?


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