[Q] Lolipop smart unlock. BT does not stay connected to PC/iMac. App to fix? topic


I used to use unlock with wifi/skiplock to turn off lock at home, but it is not supported under lolipop.
Smart Unlock in lolipop only give you GPS unlock or BT unlock, no wifi. GPS doenst work if you live in a condo, so BT it is.

Problem is I dont want to buy a speaker for home, and leave it on just to use it as an unlock dongle. I have an iMac and a PC with a BT dongle. Both are on 24/7 at home. Doest anyone know of any app, I could use which would force the PC or iMac to reconnect to the phone, to trigger and maintain unlock while the phone is home.

By default if you connect with BT to pc or iMac there is no hands free type of profile that would maintain connection. All the file transfer profiles, autodisconnect if there is no file transfer. I got BT Auto Connect for android, and it works, problem is it tried to connect as last connected profile, which is file transfer. This makes the computer close connection when there is no file to be sent, and of course the app reconnect. Becomes a loop, and eats battery like crazy. Anyone know of an app that would spoof a handsfree or speaker profile on the PC or iMac to connect to the phone? This will maintain connection, and not kill batterylife.


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