[Q] Location/Events Mapping App topic


Hi All,

Complete newbie to this forum and not an app developer... I simply come up with ideas and get people far more capable than me to develop them! :o

An associate has asked me if it would be possible to create an app with the following functionality:

1. Utilise Google Map UI.
2. Search by event type.... drop down list.
3. Update events available.
4. Provide info on event when marker is tapped.

My background is in games and productivity apps... hence my post here.

I know how to integrate GMaps in app... so no issue there. The question is how to include the functionality of displaying events as markers (colour coded to type of event possibly?) based on a defined list, including search - filter - display function and how to define the list of events.

This is a complete brainstorm at the moment so any comments would be great!

Thanks everyone! :good:


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