[Q] Help - xperia sp c5303 won't turn on after recovery topic


Hi there.
- My phone was with rooted .207 with dual philz and twrp installed, booloader unlocked, everything is working fine.
- Yesterday, after backing up the system with philz recovery, I flashed my phone .266 using flash tool. and it works fine. Recovery & root was gone.
- Today I installed dual philz & twrp recovery using the file found in this link http://techglen.com/2014/07/07/insta...-205-firmware/. After that I can boot to recovery.
- I mounted /storage/sdcard1 (where I stored my backup). I tried the backup I made earlier (the one with .207 number) but it didn't work, saying there's some checksum mismatch. I tried 2 other backups found in the same folder, 1 also said mismatch, 1 doesn't complain about checksum but failed after trying to restore /system
- Because of that error, I go into mount options, unmount /system, but the backup still failed
- At this point I didn't know what to do, so I thought I would try to boot into twrp and give it a shot. At the reboot menu, there's only option I can choose with it to reboot with "su" at some path, I pressed okay.
- Now the phone won't boot up <--- problem here

About the state of the phone now & things I tried:
- Phone won't boot up with power button
- Phone won't charge when plugging into power source - LED won't light up
- Tried pressing & holding Power + Volume down for a few times and then press the power button, doesn't change anything
- Tried connecting to my computer using usb, but it won't get recognized by the computer/software
- Tried pressing & holding OFF button on the back of the phone for some times, doesn't seem to have any effect.

Now I'm just plugging my phone in, hoping it would get charged some how.

Can somebody help me with troubleshooting my phone? Thanks so much.


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