[Q] Help backing up app data on working S5 with smashed + touch unresponsive screen topic


Hi Guys,

This is going to sound desperate and it is... I suffer from chronic fatigue and use my S5 apps + notes to track my health progress with specialists. A year of progress is in those apps and I accidentally smashed the screen to the point that it is black and the touch doesn't respond - feeling like a complete idiot.
  • Stock S5 - locked to phone network

  • USB debugger OFF

  • MTP is OFF

  • Pin lock OFF

  • Sync with Google+ ON

  • Phone receives calls, texts and notifications while screen is black and unresponsive to touch

  • Wifi is connected to home network

  • I have the standard charger cord - no special adaptors

I am getting a new handset tomorrow morning so will have two identical devices. Will Google+ just restore the photos or everything? Any help for this desperate Noob would be greatly appreciated.


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