[Q] Goophone i6 - 6582 Quad - Aluminium- touch screen issue topic


I have a problem with the goophone i6 . I decided to reinstall the rom and after flashing roms to reloads (I tried a few / several) - but there is a problem with touch screen - for each new ROM touch screen crazy (something like in this link - youtube.com/watch?v=fflpQZX55M8 - attach a link to the cpu-z ( images70.fotosik.pl/785/bdb924969c415752.jpg )
I restored my rom from a backup ( CWM ) and the problem also appeared (if you think that not everything is removed from memory and a file kernel / driver remains?)

Do you think that the problem can cause the kernel ??
now MTK droid root & tools shows me
kernel v: 3.4.5-447903 (se.infra@SEP-92) (gcc version 4.6.x-google 20,120,106 (prelelase) (GCC) # 1 SMP Tue Oct 14, 2014 4:07:41 p.m. CT
Previously I had:
3.4.5 kernel (eng.wangsongsong.1414117532)
Is the fault of the display driver?
Have you any ideas?


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