[Q] Default Write Disk - internal setting disappeared topic


Android 7 inch tab (Asus 173X) with 4.2.2. Was checking memory/storage amounts. In Settings - Storage - the first section is labelled "Default Write Disk". I had two choices with radio buttons labelled "Internal Memory" and "SD Card". My finger got too close to the SD Card Button and I mistakenly selected it without fully realizing it. I left the Storage screen (second mistake) without changing it back. But then I realized my mistake and navigated back to Default Write Disk. The problem now is I no longer have the Internal Memory selection nor it's radio button available. It's not greyed out - It is completely missing! And only "SD Card" is showing selected!

I really do not want "SD Card" as the default write disk. The performance of the once great tab is now in the dumper. But I now cannot change it back to "Internal Memory". Everything I search for talks about setting the default FROM Internal Memory TO the SD Card. I restarted, but the single setting remained. I shut down completely and powered up. No love.

Please tell me - What do I do to restore the "Internal Memory" setting on that screen?




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