[Q] Battery drain on stock 4.4.4 / rooted / unlocked / doomkernel topic


Up to now I'm happy with my Z1C.
But in the last weeks the battery drain went up.
Before that I could get a day and a half to two days of use , I am a moderate user during the day.
Most of the time wifi is off, 4g is off but bluetooth is on, day and night.
Before I had bluetooth turned off when not in the car.
But because I bought a Smartband talk I switched bluetooth to on without turning it off again.
Up to last week the battery was draining faster because of the bluetooth use but it was still good enough for me.

The last weeks / months I downloaded a lot more music on the external card and switched USB use to MSC so I could use it in my car. I listened to music in the car when driving to and from my workplace (1 hour drive single way).
Because it was charging in the morning and in the evening I did not notice any abnormal behavior.
Before I started to use the phone as a mediaplayer in the car I could get 1.5 to 2 days.
When using it as a mediaplayer this did not change, probably because of the charging in the car

Now I switched from workplace and stopped listening to music in the car.
Now my phone lasts for 0.8 up to 1 day max.
When looking at the battery stats it seems to me the mediaserver was eating up a lot.
So I deleted all data from the phone and I did a reset to factory settings. I also removed 80% of the music on the external sd card.
But even then I get a battery drain from 30-35% in about 7 hours time during the night.

I'm running again with only necessary apps installled.
So for the time being no xposed modules, no smartband talk and only switching bluetooth on when using the phone in the car.

But the problem does not seem to be solved.
I have a weak signal at home (1 bar), I had a weak signal at my previous workplace (1 bar) and I have a weak signal at my current workplace (als 1 bar max).
I wonder what is eating the battery so fast?
  • Is it the weak signal?

  • Is it because I charged the battery too much (every morning and evening in the car)?

  • Is my battery dying?

  • Is it related to an app (multiple apps)?

  • I have this phone since april 2014.

  • I am on 14.4.A.0.108 / unlocked / rooted with the doomkernel v22.

So can anybody tell me what monitoring app to use and how to interprete the results from such an app?
  • I'm in stamina mode.

  • Estimated lifespan battery is at 2 days when an actual battery percentage of 42%.

I already have betterbatterystats but I do not know if this is the best app for monitoring.
Is there something else I have to look into?
Today I was trying to get my settings in the state I need them to be and when looking at power management / battery usage I can see the screen is the biggest battery user but that seems normal in the current situation.
  • What about deep sleep, how to monitor this?

  • How to identify apps being the biggest battery consumers?

  • What about the apps in manage notifications, there's a lot of them, will it help disabling some / a lot of them?

I really like to get back to charging the phone only once every 2 days.

Any help would really be appreciated.


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