[Q] Anybody got a working custom recovery or adb access in recovery? topic


I've tried just about all the ones currently out there. For the S6 and the Edge, international and domestic. Most boot, but have a messed up screen. I was delighted when the one for the T-Mobile Edge actually came up with the TWRP screen, but the touch screen was totally unresponsive. Couldn't do anything.

I'm not that concerned with doing backups at this point, but I really want to be able to pull/push files from the system folder via adb. No matter what recovery I use, adb always says "device offline" when I do "adb devices". Adb works fine when I'm booted normally. I've installed the Samsung drivers, and tried choosing a driver manually, same results. I really want to do some mods to the SystemUI and Framework, but I don't like using Root Explorer or equivalent to copy them to the system folder while the phone is booted normally.


Anybody got a custom recovery working?


Any idea why adb reports "device offline" while in recovery?


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