Possible input lag/ Ghost Touches once again topic


A few people here and there have been starting to have this problem pop up- including me.
My phone was perfectly fine with absolutely no problems with the touch screen but about three days ago, my phone started acting weird.
At that time, I was running CM 5.1 nightly and then dirty flashed over to the latest. I thought that this was the problem and so I did a clean flash but still the problem was there.
Went back to the original CM nightly that I was previously on and problem is still there.
Tried many different ROMs but the problem is still there..
I can't type out a sentence without my phone failing to register a touch and sometimes registering rapid touches as one - the same problems before Synaptic released a 'fix' for this issue.
At this point, I don't really know what to do but it's aggravating that a phone can't do it's basic tasks such as type.
The phone seems really sluggish when I type - which I haven't encountered before this which slightly leads me to believe that input lag is the crux of the problem however, I can't say for certain.
Can anyone with more expertise help me with this?


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