Pls Help by upgrade from 4.4.2 to 5.1 on SM-T805 topic



I'm new here and I heared that Android 5.1 is still alive for SM-T805 but it seems that's not available in germany - very bad I found :( .

Now I wnat to know if it's possible to get a "How To" for an upgrade from 4.4.2 to 5.1 for my SM-T805. I know that there are some recent threads but in the topic
my modelnumber ins't listed and I also don't accept downloads (PIT and ROMs) which want to do a specieal task (e. g. "try out this app" or "try to win an iPhone 6"
and so on).

The download for PIT/ROM should be easily done over share-biz or any other file hoster.

I think that I'll need Odin to upgrade manually but I hope too that I don't need to root my device.

At last I want to know if 5.1 is good enough an comes with german language support or is there a better custom rom with german language support which
supports my SM-T805 and most/all Playstore-Apps and comes with better performence and longer battery duration and so on.



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