Nexus 7 (2013) OTG cable charging and reading USB/External HD and other stuff. topic


Nexus 7 (2013) with OTG and charging at the same time.

[Little Intro]
I bought a Nexus 7 (2013) to use as a personal computer.
I admit, I've ****ed up the device a few times experimenting with kernels and stuff.
The thing is, you just need it rooted to use USB reading. Then you think: ok, I'm using USB and external HDs, I'm using mouse and keyboard, a external all-in-one Card Reader, and even a device that communicates with an XBox Wireless controller, but using as a computer the battery will go quickly.
I've tried two Android Cyanogen's distros and ****ed up the device 6 times. So I kept the default kernel rooted, plugged into the USB Hub device and said: well, **** off.
The thing is, when using the device I've noticed it was charging, but not saying it was charging.

With my little technical knowledge of electronics I can explain what happens here.
The kernel does not support the use of OTG and charges at the same time: that is theoretical, saying that in software is not the same that measuring that.
So, what if the system charges but it just do not know?
Even if the both sides have the same potencial difference (I guess that is called voltage in english, a term disregarded in my born language, sorry about my english by the way), what if one side is providing a larger current? In theory the other side will charge, if it is a battery.
So, what actually happens is that the Nexus 7 charges, but the system level software, that, in theory, do not permit that, just do not show what is actually happening.

[Little things]
That could, may, just be possible with some specific equipment, so I will post the exactly equipment I'm using, and how I'm using it.
I ask you guys just try without the power loop I'm using to know if it is necessary, and the Nexus 9 guys to test if the same happen with it.

[The equipment]
My USB-Hub:
My OTG cable:

[How do I connect it]
I connect the OTG cable by the male micro-USB into the tablet, loop the power with the male-USB into any USB port of the hub and connect the female-USB into the default hub main port - that one that is not the default USB-like format.
I power the USB hub and that's it. I'm using a Logitech dual transceiver with mouse and keyboard, the default microsoft XBox USB gadget, a generic all-in-one card reader and a 4GB Seagate external HD plugged into the hub.

[A final little thing]
Yes, it does not charge quickly, and yes, sometimes the battery level will be consumed a little bit. But it works well generally, without any mode needed.


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