[MOD][XPOSED] GMail Attachment Size topic


Hi all.

Stock GMail app allows user to attach files up to 5MB per mail (no matter if it's gmail or third party email service) which is absolutely too little. This little simple module increases the limit up to 25MB.
Tested against GMail 5.1 on both Android 4.4.2 and 5.0.2.
If you have previous GMail version and the module is not working you can update GMail from here:

It is potentially (not tested!) working with previous GMail versions from the 5.x line, MAY work for future updates (I'll try to update if needed).
Module provides no UI at the moment.

This software is licensed under WTFPL v2.0 (see: http://www.wtfpl.net/txt/copying/ )
I am not responsible for any harm or damage caused by this software.

Download from Xposed repo:

- install the apk
- enable module in Xposed installer


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