[MOD][VS985] PurpleDL - A custom Download Mode for your LG G3 topic



#include <std_disclaimer.h>
 * Your warranty is now void.
 * I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
 * thermonuclear war, blah, blah, blah, this is dangerous,
 * but also recoverable in case something goes wrong, so
 * don't be stupid and you'll be good.

Woah, woah, woah. Custom download mode? What are you smoking?
Nothing actually, and yes, this is a custom download mode -- your eyes did not deceive you.

That's kinda cool I guess, but what can it do that mine can't?
Well, I didn't go all crazy with messing with things yet, but at the moment, it has the following extra features over the stock download mode:
- adbd insecure (thanks, @Chainfire) (and yes, I did just say you can now use adb in Download Mode)
- Changed all instances of light blue to semi-dark purple (it looks better that way in my opinion)

Sounds pretty sweet. Where can I download it from?
You can find the current version here and a listing of all of the versions here.

Pretty nice! How do I install it though?
Please note that this is only for Verizon LG G3 owners that are on KitKat (or use the KitKat bootloader, at least, because this uses BUMP!) and you must be rooted to install it
First off, please note that installing a custom download mode is nowhere near as complicated/dangerous as it sounds. When you are ready, either connect your device to your computer via adb and open an adb shell, or use a terminal emulator app to run the following commands:


dd if="/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/laf" of="/sdcard/laf.img"

We just backed up your current download mode (laf) image, so upload that somewhere and keep it safe. Now we are going to install PurpleDL!
If you downloaded the image to your computer, either adb push it to your phone or just drag-and-drop it on to your phone's internal sdcard (there's not actually an sdcard inside your phone, it's just called that. It's your internal storage), and please note where you put it because you will need that for this next step.
Now, in that same adb shell or terminal window, run these commands:
(replacing XXXX.img with the location and name of the image you downloaded)


dd if="/sdcard/XXXX.img" of="/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/laf"

Ta-da! It's installed! That's all there is to it! You can now boot into PurpleDL mode or continue to carry on with your day.

Sweet, how do I use it?
I'll leave you with this (video not by me)

It sucks and I hate you. How do I uninstall this garbage?
Remember that backup I told you to make earlier, in the installation process? Well, you put that on your phone's internal storage and you flash it to your device with:
(assuming the backup is named "laf.img" and is in "/sdcard/")


dd if="/sdcard/laf.img/" of="/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/laf"

- To be filled out

- v1
--- Initial version


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