(MOD) Note 4 Lollipop Deodex/Mods (Dev-ed Only) topic
This file below should install deodexed framework,app, and priv-app folders to your stock lollipop rom. It will also add a 5-way reboot menu, disable IME Switcher, disable safe volume warning, disable ascending ringer, and enable wifi-hotspot. I have also added a flashlight quick toggle you can flash only after installing above file or if you deodex your own rom.
1. Flash Deodexed Lollipop mod found HERE
2. Wipe Cache/Dalvik
3. Be Patient! It takes a while to reboot. It will sit on red verizon screen for 5-10 minutes and then go to upgrading apps screen which will take about 15 minutes longer.
Thats it. Enjoy
If you want to Deodex your own rom I would suggest you look at this thread for that. Its very easy to do with this. Deodex Your Own Rom
Here are all the other mods Individual. These WILL NOT work with stock rom without being DEODEXED FIRST.
Flashlight Qucksetting(flashable in TWRP). You must flash this after SQLITE Enable Flashlight
5-way Reboot Menu
5-way Reboot Menu(flashable in TWRP)
Disable Ascending Ringer
Just copy this apk below to /system/priv-app/Telecom/ folder and change permissions. It will overwrite the existing file.
Disable Ascending Ringer or find flashable version HERE
Disable Safe Volume Warning
Disable Safe Volume Warning
Disable IME Switcher Notification
Disable IME Switch
Thanks to EMSPILOT for hotspot mod
Thanks to JoelDroid
Thanks to tdunham
1. Flash Deodexed Lollipop mod found HERE
2. Wipe Cache/Dalvik
3. Be Patient! It takes a while to reboot. It will sit on red verizon screen for 5-10 minutes and then go to upgrading apps screen which will take about 15 minutes longer.
Thats it. Enjoy
If you want to Deodex your own rom I would suggest you look at this thread for that. Its very easy to do with this. Deodex Your Own Rom
Here are all the other mods Individual. These WILL NOT work with stock rom without being DEODEXED FIRST.
Flashlight Qucksetting(flashable in TWRP). You must flash this after SQLITE Enable Flashlight
5-way Reboot Menu
5-way Reboot Menu(flashable in TWRP)
Disable Ascending Ringer
Just copy this apk below to /system/priv-app/Telecom/ folder and change permissions. It will overwrite the existing file.
Disable Ascending Ringer or find flashable version HERE
Disable Safe Volume Warning
Disable Safe Volume Warning
Disable IME Switcher Notification
Disable IME Switch
Thanks to EMSPILOT for hotspot mod
Thanks to JoelDroid
Thanks to tdunham
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