MK908II LawlessPPC Flavour PureX KitKat V1 SD card Rom 4.4.2 topic
MK908II LawlessPureX SD Card ROM
This ROM in theory should work on any RK3188 device with a AP6210 WiFi/Bluetooth chip equiped with an SD card slot
This image is used to boot your Android stick / box from an SD card leaving your onboard NAND untouched so in theory you can test the image without it making any changes to your device once the SD card is ejected
The reason this Rom SD card image exists is due to the CRAP Foresee NAND chips mounted in some MK908II Android sticks and possibly others!!!! Which fastly corrupt and cant be fully formatted leaving a useless stick!!!
(later MK908II sticks use Micron NAND chips and the packaging now states RK3188T CPU, I think this can be used to identify which sticks have Foresee or Micron NANDs without opening the stick or trying Maskrom mode)
This usually manifests as frequent reboots, stalling, stuttering and data or apps suddenly disappearing
I think its safe to say that if your Android stick / box wont enter Maskrom mode then your stuck with a Foresee NAND!!!
So if you wish to use your Android device successfully this is possibly your only option besides soldering a fresh NAND chip on the device
This Rom is basically Walter77's pureX KitKat V1 - New firmware for CX-921 and CX-919
I would say please dont pester Walter77 for support as I believe there would be little he could do due to the change of image format plus the small changes I have made to the ROM
This ROM runs at a full 1920x1080P@60Hz + 24p no upscaling here *8O)
It also runs @1.4GHz (default) but the kernel does support 1.6GHz
It runs more than fast enough @1.4GHz due to Walter77's amazing work but ive included No Frills CPU
if you wish to run @1.6GHz
It has an app space of 3.94GB
It has an internal storage space of 2.49GB
To utilize this simply do the following
1. Download MK908IILawlessPureXSD.rar
2. Extract MK908IILawlessPureXSD.rar to a place of your choice
3. Download & install Win32DiskImager link provided
4. Aquire, beg, steal or borrow a class 10 8GB SD card
(Im no saying other brands of SD card wont work but i only had success with Sandisk)
(other brands failed to boot, this would appear to be a card reader compatibilty issue)
(similar to the issue Raspberry Pi's suffer from)
5. Launch / run Win32DiskImager & click on the little folder icon then select the now extracted
MK908IILawlessPurexSD.img (use the file requester to find the img file)
6. Click the arrow under device to the right of the program to select your SD card
(eg:- [D:\] [E:\] [F:\] etc)
7. Click the write button
8. Once write process has completed remove SD card
(if via USB device make sure to safely remove to avoid errors)
9. Place SD card in SD card slot of MK908II and power up
(it should boot as fast if not faster than the onboard NAND but maybe not on the first boot)
10. Enjoy this fantastic ROM made by Walter77 (modified slightly by me *8O) )
If any apps fail to run simply uninstall them and reinstall them (Ive only notice this happen with spotify)
I would like to give all credit to those truly responsible for this ROM
Walter77 (original ROM creator)
D33 (kernel creator)
these are the true heroes in this story *8O
I make no promises with this ROM but all should be fine I've been testing over an extended period
But if your device becomes useless, your house blows up or your wife leaves you I am not resposible
its your device and your choice to use this ROM
Hope fully this is the download link including readme
This ROM in theory should work on any RK3188 device with a AP6210 WiFi/Bluetooth chip equiped with an SD card slot
This image is used to boot your Android stick / box from an SD card leaving your onboard NAND untouched so in theory you can test the image without it making any changes to your device once the SD card is ejected
The reason this Rom SD card image exists is due to the CRAP Foresee NAND chips mounted in some MK908II Android sticks and possibly others!!!! Which fastly corrupt and cant be fully formatted leaving a useless stick!!!
(later MK908II sticks use Micron NAND chips and the packaging now states RK3188T CPU, I think this can be used to identify which sticks have Foresee or Micron NANDs without opening the stick or trying Maskrom mode)
This usually manifests as frequent reboots, stalling, stuttering and data or apps suddenly disappearing
I think its safe to say that if your Android stick / box wont enter Maskrom mode then your stuck with a Foresee NAND!!!
So if you wish to use your Android device successfully this is possibly your only option besides soldering a fresh NAND chip on the device
This Rom is basically Walter77's pureX KitKat V1 - New firmware for CX-921 and CX-919
I would say please dont pester Walter77 for support as I believe there would be little he could do due to the change of image format plus the small changes I have made to the ROM
This ROM runs at a full 1920x1080P@60Hz + 24p no upscaling here *8O)
It also runs @1.4GHz (default) but the kernel does support 1.6GHz
It runs more than fast enough @1.4GHz due to Walter77's amazing work but ive included No Frills CPU
if you wish to run @1.6GHz
It has an app space of 3.94GB
It has an internal storage space of 2.49GB
To utilize this simply do the following
1. Download MK908IILawlessPureXSD.rar
2. Extract MK908IILawlessPureXSD.rar to a place of your choice
3. Download & install Win32DiskImager link provided
4. Aquire, beg, steal or borrow a class 10 8GB SD card
(Im no saying other brands of SD card wont work but i only had success with Sandisk)
(other brands failed to boot, this would appear to be a card reader compatibilty issue)
(similar to the issue Raspberry Pi's suffer from)
5. Launch / run Win32DiskImager & click on the little folder icon then select the now extracted
MK908IILawlessPurexSD.img (use the file requester to find the img file)
6. Click the arrow under device to the right of the program to select your SD card
(eg:- [D:\] [E:\] [F:\] etc)
7. Click the write button
8. Once write process has completed remove SD card
(if via USB device make sure to safely remove to avoid errors)
9. Place SD card in SD card slot of MK908II and power up
(it should boot as fast if not faster than the onboard NAND but maybe not on the first boot)
10. Enjoy this fantastic ROM made by Walter77 (modified slightly by me *8O) )
If any apps fail to run simply uninstall them and reinstall them (Ive only notice this happen with spotify)
I would like to give all credit to those truly responsible for this ROM
Walter77 (original ROM creator)
D33 (kernel creator)
these are the true heroes in this story *8O
I make no promises with this ROM but all should be fine I've been testing over an extended period
But if your device becomes useless, your house blows up or your wife leaves you I am not resposible
its your device and your choice to use this ROM
Hope fully this is the download link including readme
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