Lag on whatever ROM I use.. topic
Lately, I've been trying a bunch of different ROMs, trying to find which works best for me and while I've found several I thought had awesome features, it just didn't cut it in the realm of performance. Is it because I have too many apps installed? I have maybe 100 apps installed (including Google apps), and I've tried stock and just about every AOSP/CM offering. With a quad core CPU clocked at over 2 GHz, I would think it'd run better. Maybe its the display is too powerful for the device? I see a lot of people saying ROMs are really smooth but often when I try them, I get almost constant stutters in animations, such as home screen transition animations, pulling down the status bar (especially on stock ZV8, and often the second swipe down on CM based), I just feel like this device should be running better. It doesn't even get hot, so it can't really be throttling the CPU, I don't think. Well, any ideas, let me know!
Sent from my LG-ls990 using XDA Free mobile app
Sent from my LG-ls990 using XDA Free mobile app
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