[KK/4.3] PX™ - MaTeRiaL | 6 Colors - Material Inspired | IconsPack - Full Theme 18/4 topic
PureXperia™ | MaTeRiaL Inspired
Intro :
Material Theme is a new Creative themewhich made by Abo Hani the creator of PureXperia™ Themes Series , Material Theme is a Real Inspired Lollipop Experience for your Xperia’s , With First Full theme , and Icons Pack features , Material Theme got a lot of features , from Lollipop Inspired SystemUI , to Fully Themed Framework to Material Design , All In-Apps icons are from Material Concept , And all colors are Material Colors , from Main Theme Color , to Icons color - Apps Icons color , And this took from me Full 3 Weeks of hard work , and guess what ? All For FREE ! , So just Install - Apply - And Enjoy the First Real Material Experience on your Xperia :).
Do Not Use my Theme as a Base , Or use my theme files , Ask me for permissions first , if Yes / No respect the decision and the time & hard work i spent on the theme , IF you Stole it , i will REPORT YOU ! .
Notes :
- U may experience un-themed Places/Icons , Just PM me with a screenshot of the problem and i will fix it .
How To Install :
- SuperUser Mode , either patched services.jar or use Xperia Xposed App .
- Install as a normal app .
- Please Force Close the Home App + SystemUI So you can enjoy a fully themed SystemUI + Home :) .
Features :
- Full Themed Apps .
- More Than 800 PNGs Are Themed .
- Real Material Design Experience .
- Flat Material Colored Rounded Handmade Icons Pack .
- First Full Theme Series .
- XXX/XX/XHDPI Support .
What Fully Themed :
- Framework-res | More Than 800 PNG .
- SystemUI .
- Home .
- Active Clip .
- Camera .
- Clock .
- Contacts .
- Notes .
- Messaging .
- Phone - SemcPhone .
- Settings .
- Sketch .
- Tasks .
- Update Center .
What Semi Fully themed :
- Album .
- Backup & Restore .
- Calculator .
- Calendar .
- Camera .
- Chrome .
- Clock .
- Contacts .
- Downloads .
- Email .
- FM Radio .
- Gmail .
- Google Play Games .
- Google Play Newsstand .
- Google Play Store .
- Google Search .
- Google Plus .
- Hangouts .
- Maps .
- Messaging .
- Movies .
- Notes .
- Phonebook .
- Phone .
- Podcast .
- Settings .
- Sketch .
- Smart Connect .
- Socialife .
- Sony Select .
- Tasks .
- Update Center .
- Walkman .
- What’s New .
- Xperia Lounge .
- Youtube .
- Request in Comments .
Credits :
- Me :P .
ChangeLog :
1.0 Final - Stable
- Bugs Fixes .
- Icon Upated .
- LS Wallpaper Updated .
- Home Wallpaper Updated .
- Name Updated .
- More Material Icons Added .
4.0 Stable
- Battery Icon re-sized .
- Re-Fixed SemcPhone bug -_- .
- Removed In-Camera icons bug fixed .
- Full Support added for Launcher .
- New Home Wallpaper .
- New Lockscreen Wallpaper .
- Notify Icons at Messaging re-colored ( visual bug fixed ) .
- Manual - Auto icons in-Camera bug fixed .
3.0 Stable
- New REAL Sony Material Icons pack :D .
- New Sony Lollipop Softkeys .
- Framework-res Icons re-colored to Black/White , Inspired by Lollipop Concept .
- Long distance between SystemBar Icons Fixed ( Can’t fix it more than this ) .
- Stamina Icon re-sized .
- Battery Bug at 71% Fixed .
- SemcPhone Bug in JB Version Fixed ( Deleted XXHDPI and added support for XHDPI ) .
- Search Icon ( When long-pressing Back Key ) re-drawed .
- Added Support for the new Hangouts App ( Icon Change Only ) .
- Added Full Support for the new InCallUi ( SemcPhone previously ) .
- Clock & Alarm Force Close Fixed for JB Version ( Yet ) .
- Dark Apps are now using Black Material Colored Background , the same for all dark Popups-Dialogs-Backgrounds .
- Bugs Fixing :) .
- More ..
2.0 Stable
- Added Support for 4.3 .
- Carrier text size fixed .
- redesigned SystemUI .
- Added Support for Xperia Z3 Quick Toggles icons .
- Added Support for Xhdpi/Xxhdpi/Xxxhdpi icons .
- Calculator is now full themed in Material look .
- Fixed Untransparent areas .
1.0 Stable
- First Release .
XDA:DevDB Information
PX™ - MaTeRiaL Inspired Design, Theme for the OEM Cross Device Development
abo hani
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 1.0
Stable Release Date: 2015-04-18
Created 2015-04-18
Last Updated 2015-04-18
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