I Finally Beat Verizon! My M9/M8/M7 Debacle topic


The below is long but I wanted to provide all the details of my last Verizon Customer Support issue and how I resolved them

VZW messed me up last year. My son had an M7 that was purchased new in 2012 under the subsidy for a 2 year contract extension. When he was eligible for an upgrade I took it to the nearest VZW store and I got the M8 using his upgrade. They asked me if I wanted Edge on the new M8 and since I change phones often, I went on Edge.

Unknown to me at that time they had done the upgrade wrong. They should have simply upgraded the M7 to the M8 on my son's number then switched the phone to my number. Easily done as I have done it many time before. Instead, they put both my son's M7 and my M8 on Edge. The only saving grace was they were not charging anything monthly for the M7

After getting my M9 I realized no return label was sent with the M9. After several days of phone calls I was told to go to my local VZW store to return it. That is 25 miles away but I drove over anyway as I wanted to ensure the M8 went back.I I waited for 20 minutes for someone to help me (even though 4-5 employees were milling about BS'ing) and was told "We can't take it back in store if you ordered online". I was LIVID. Another 2 calls to VZW and I was able to get a return label.

Then I went to get my son's phone on Edge. The CSR told me to go to the local store. I told her they were jerks and would give me a hard time as it said my son was not eligible to Edge up until 2016! They called the store and cleared it all up, supposedly.

By this time I was so angry, I sent a nice email from my company email (I'm an exec in a large insurance company) to the president of my VZW in my region. I explained my entire saga and provided my account number and contact number. I then headed off the VZW store. Again, they took my name when I walked in and there were 2 people being helped and 4 employees milling around. No biggie, my son needed time to pick out his new phone. 20 minutes later he decided on the S6 Edge. It took another 10 minutes for someone to approach us. I explained the issue and gave him the M7 to return. This is where the fun starts....

He looks at the phone and says "Does this even charge?" My son said "Yes, it charges fine". There were a few minor cosmetic scratches on the bottom but the back, and glass were PERFECT. It had been in an Otterbox with a MIME protector on it. It was also only about 6 weeks old as the original stopped charging and it was replaced under Assurion protection with a refurb phone. Most likely, the minor scratches on the bottom were there as my son is VERY careful with is phone. The VZW salesman, let's just called him "jerk", says "I doubt we can take this". I explained the situation and even provided the receipt when I paid 199 for the phone back in 2012 and technically, I should not even have to return it.

He disappeared for about 15 minutes and then I got a call from Verizon Executive Support concerning my email to the NE regional president. My son looked all scared as the jerk came out and told him "There is no way your getting a new phone today!". My 17 year old looked and me and I said "Don't worry Mike, we are walking out of here with a new phone!". The jerk looked me straight in the eye and said "No, you won't". I had the phone on speaker so the VZW executive support could hear. She then asked me which store I was at and I asked the jerk for the store number. "Why do you want that?" I said "Because I'm on the phone with VZW Corporate Executive Support" he said "Sure you are, our store number is xxxxxx". She overheard this whole exchange.

The Executive support put me on hold and said she was going to call the store manager. Within 10 minutes the manager was RUNNING out of the back shaking my hand and telling me how sorry he was. I told him that the jerk needed some serious coaching on this customer service skills and that he needs to dress more appropriately (High top expensive basketball shoes wide open, shirt 1/2 tucked in and 1/2 out), While he is kissing my a*s, Verizon Executive supports calls to say, I needed to return the M7, I would get an S6 Edge and she would not only credit me for the 199 but give me another M8 as I DID NOT have to return the M8 which is why I never got a return label!

I then said I was not really even happy with the M9 as the Camera was still weak and there were no major differences between the M8 and M9. So she told me to upgrade to whatever phone I wanted and just give the manager the M9 as it was only 10 days ago when I bought it. She even waived the 35 restocking fee. I thanked her and she sent me a text with her name and direct number.

I told the jerk to simply activate the phones and not do anything else. "I can transfer all your stuff". I said "Nope, already taken care of, just please activate both phones and let me get out of here". He didn't say another word until he handed me the bag with the phones and with a disgusted looks said "Have a nice day" I responded "You too and as I walked away I turned back at him and said "I told you!" :)

So now my son as an S6 Edge, I have a Note Edge, I gave my wife the new M8 to replace her old M7 and the M7 is going up on eBay now.

The point to this story is when you are treated poorly, you don't have to throw up your hands. Do some research, find someone in the C-Suite of a company and send a very nice email. All you need to is fine the naming convention and the domain. Since all public company's must list their executives, getting their email is usually pretty easy if you are at all Internet savvy. Don't ever pay money for these addresses. You can find them for free. C-Suite executives almost always have high level CSR's that can do almost anything for you. I have used this so many times and the only time it didn't work was with Comcast. No matter who I sent an email to they never had anyone follow up. Guess what, Comcast is gone and will never be in any of my homes again, EVER.


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