[Help] programmer? unbrick possible without JTAG topic


Hi... my Lumia 520 bricked after downgrade from w10 at w8.1 with Recovery tool

QHSUSB DLOAD? Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008??

like many I pass the same ... I was researching
may recover without box or riff jtag box ... just with usb cable.
How? with the application of Qualcomm QPST
All we need are the MPRG8227.hex and 8227_msimage.mbn files (in the case of Lumia 520)
MPRGXXX.hex where XXX is version of the processor of your telephone
The image .mbn contain SBL1, SBL2, SBL3, rpm, tz, and boot UEFI and WINSECAPP (I have them to these files)
But I could not create a .mbn package (there is also a tutorial for that) but for my unfortunately I not work me.

I'll leave links to research

External thread Links:
I could make QPST detect my phone. In '' mode download ''. The driver must be installed correctly in test mode in Windows 7. In the file manager, your phone should be detected as Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008

With the two files in the blink QPST program on your mobile brick, should work and light with red screen then flashing the ROM with care suite or derivatives.

please, any programmer to help us ... :crying: many people are without telephone. We would appreciate. Good look ...


2 commentaires:

  1. Hello . Broken Link Mega "Boot files from Lumia devices ( Separate for RM_xxx ) "
    You can reset ?

    Olá. Link quebrado do Mega "Boot files from Lumia devices (Separate for RM_xxx)"
    Você pode repor?

  2. Hello . Broken Link Mega "Boot files from Lumia devices ( Separate for RM_xxx ) "
    You can reset ?

    Olá. Link quebrado do Mega "Boot files from Lumia devices (Separate for RM_xxx)"
    Você pode repor?
