[GUIDE]Desire 816 update guide (platform.xml error fix guide) topic


finally my desire 816 has succesfully updated!
after 3 days of whole heaps of trouble updating due to my phone has been rooted and modded

now i'm gonna leave a guide to my own version of fix. btw my 816 is a5_ul. suppose the updates work all the same

1st off u must do what others has already mentioned. remove supersu. go into supersu and then settings, scroll down to until u see "full unroot". click it and wait for it to complete. then restart your phone.

my 1st problem was with 1.54.707.2. thru a lotta searching i it was the recovery that was causing the problem. so according to many guides that can be found in this forum was to flash the recovery found in ota 1.60.707.3. and the ota starts working perfectly

then my 2nd problem starts while installing 2.34.707.1 ota.
like many of the newbies stated wen they updates they see a red triangle exclamation mark error. if u guys hold volume up + power, u will see the error msg.
what u will most probably see is "/system/etc/permissions/platform.xml has unexpected contents". according to some thread i read in m7's forum page it was due to cwm modded the sdcard write permission. so i asked around and thx to junior member sumancvb i found the replacement platform.xml file

the best way to replace your file is thru twrp recovery. copy the platform.xml file to your sd card, go into twrp recovery, click mount, tick "/system". then go into advance, file manager and use it to copy the xml file to /system/etc/permissions/. replace the original platform.xml in this folder.

after replacing the platform file, i came across ANOTHER freaking error while updating 2.34.707.1 ota. this time, it was "/system/xbin/nc has unexpected contents". thru another extensive searching and asking, thanks to sumancvb again i get the replacement nc file.

same as the trick above use the provided "nc" fle, get into twrp to replace the "nc" file in /system/xbin/

then VOILA!!! my phone was succesfully updated! YAY. many thank to the forum for guides.
now i can enjoy the beauty of lollipop (maybe)

also i might upload the ruu for 2.34.707.1

Attached Files

File Type: zip platform.zip -
[Click for QR Code]
(2.3 KB)
File Type: rar nc.rar -
[Click for QR Code]
(8.6 KB)


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