[GUIDE] How to port click/tap lollipop on 4.4.x rom topic


Hello to all. I want to share the guide for lollipop animation tap.

Let's Go :D !

  1. 1) Apktool or Advanced Apktool version 4.1.0 recommended.
    2)Install your Framework-res.apk & TwFramework-res.apk
    3)Decompile Framework-res.apk and go to res/drawable
    4)Copy my xml on drawable
    5)Copy my xml on drawable-sw360dp-xhdpi or xxhdpi or xxxhdpi
    5)Copy the png on drawable sw360dp and Drawable-xhdpi or xxhdpi or xxxhdpi (Depend of your framework)
    (The png working with all resolution)

@Gabri™ @letalBladeTigre : http://letalbladetigre.wix.com/twl-inspiredrom

Attached Files

File Type: zip frame_click_source.zip -
[Click for QR Code]
(48.2 KB)


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