Great phone, A couple gripes topic


Hey guys, I just got the S6 and overall it is a great phone, but I do have a couple of gripes that can probably be fixed with some advice. I've never owned a device with touchwiz and have always had vanilla android phones or ROMs (It's hard to tell what features are in regular android as compared to ROMs), so I miss a few things. Any advice you could give would be great!
  1. Being able to reply to messages from the notifications
    One of the best things about my nexus and OPO was that I could click "Reply" to a text message notification to bring a pop up to reply. Or click "Read" to mark as read. I hate having to go into the messaging app to reply or mark something as read and I also dislike having a pop up show every time I get a message. I'd rather see the notification and decide what to do from there. Is there a way to do that?

  2. The touch screen is amazingly accurate to touch gestures...too much so.
    Some times when trying to tap on something, if my finger slides at all, it will register it as a drag rather than a click. I don't know that there is anything that can be done about this, but it is annoying since I have pretty large fingers.

  3. The phone is downright slippery and impossible to hold on to.
    I hate using cases with phones, but the glass on the back and the metal on the sides make the phone hard to grip at all. On top of that, the radius of the corners means that my pinky finger has nothing to anchor the phone on it, in contrast to the nexus 5 or OPO that have the more "right angled" corners. I got a case off of Amazon, but I feel like I need some grip stickers to put on the back and side. Doesn't a company sell sticker type protection that provide grip?

  4. Smart Lock doesn't seem to work by location 100%.
    This is something that I never had a problem with on Android 5.0.

  5. I understand that I may need to root in order to get some of the features I had before, but I don't quite understand what Knox is.
    Before I would unlock my bootloader, load a custom recovery, then load custom ROMs. If I ever had an issue that needed a warranty or traded in my phone, I just loaded the stock ROM and locked the bootloader and everything was great. How does Knox effect my trade in and insurance capability if something breaks?

Lastly, I want to thank everyone for any assistance and acknowledge that a lot of these gripes are very nit-picky (My friend has been making fun of me as I write this)...but I'm pretty OCD about my phone in general.a

Thanks! :)


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