Galaxy Tab 7 sph-p100 boot looped after root attempt topic


Galaxy tab 7 sph-p100 stuck in a boot loop after root attempt, using odin3 v1.70 and CF-Root-TAB7_XX_OXA_JQ1-v3.3-CWM3RFS.tar and this tutorial off youtube "How to ROOT Galaxy TAB P1000 [Gingerbread]" ,Im not a developer , I wanted to gain root access to upgrade to jelly bean 4.4. I downloaded drivers for the tablet onto my pc based machine, downloaded the linked files, ran odin, selected PDA, selected the CF-Root-Tab7.tar, I want to note that In the tutorial the tabs stock version was 2.3.6 while mine WAS 2.3.4. With my tablet off I connected my usb cable, odin detected my device, with my device connected , odin displayed it as com-4 while in the tutorial the device connected read com-3, I hit start on odin, Odin's messages displayed 1 succeed/ 0 failure, my tab reboots and reads samsung then displays a faint white line on the right side of the screen and just keeps doing that. I hold power till it goes completely off , the I try holding power + Vol up keys when the samsung logo is displayed let off the vol and keep holding the power key till it goes Into recovery mode? which it wont...... I don't really know how to proceed at this point , Im pretty much stuck with this device until its figured out. Any help is much appreciated.


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