Galaxy S5 G900F Sense 7 Port (Only dev at the moment) topic


After a long time i am back an i will port sense 7 from htc m8 to the galaxy s5.

I have a rom that come to the bootscreen but not more because bootclassphat is not edited. Every time i edit the bootclassphat the phone boots in download mode. all propietary files are in the rom and are take from cm12.

What is needet that it boots:
build.prop edit for G900f
bootclassphat musst be edited (i tried myself but with no sucess only download mode. i think is my android kitchen is too old)

What works:
i dont now because i didnt get it booting

What dont work:
and same as what works

Rom: Is uploading
Propietary Files: is uploading

Note: This rom is at the moment only for DEVS!!! Normal user dont usw it because it dont boots!

Any help in porting this rom to the Galaxy S5 G900F is welcome.


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