Flynx or Javelin stack topic


I've used both flynx and Javelin for multi-tasking while searching the web, I have found points that I do and don't particularly like about both apps, and I would like to hear what you think.

heres my list of what I like and dislike about both apps:
ok, so first up is javelin. i would like to state that since javelin is also a full featured browser I will only be talking about it's "stack" feature
gesture based switching through "pages" (tabs)
has a read mode which will display only the important text and pictures from the article
can open unlimited pages to load
conveniently opens web pages via a floating circle that can be placed anywhere on the screen
floating circle has loading (color changing) animation with page count
once pro version is purchased you are given 3 free pro "invites" for three friends
stack isn't it's own app
alot of great features require you purchase the pro version (like unlimited page loading)
in free version pro features are limited via how many times you can use them
...has pro version
doesn't "minimize" after you hit the home button
load times can vary greatly
may still have battery draining issues

simple UI
can set a secondary browser to open the link in from fynx
allows you to "bookmark" articles to read for later
if the home button is pressed while viewing a webpage in fynx it will minimize fynx fso you can access your homescreen
lightweight & convenient
has a fullscreen mode
100% free
doesn't have a read mode
only allows up to 4 tabs open (said to change in update)

both of these are excellent at what they do, both have great UIs, and both are well worth a try. but now i would like to know what everyone thinks about these apps.


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