FlexOS [Lollipop 5.1.0_r5][Official Weeklies][19/4/2015] topic

* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
- FlexControl - All the tweaks and features at one place!
- Animation Control - Toast animations, Listview animations and system transitions.
- HeadsUp Customizations just like Cm11!
- Slim DSLV
- Navigation Bar Tweaks - On/Off Toggle, Dimensions
- Navigation Buttons Tint
- Slim Advanced IME Features
- Statusbar Network Speed Meter
- Screen Sound Enable/Disable Toggle
- Camera Switch Sound Enable/Disable Toggle
- OmniSwitch - Use omniswitch alongside stock android recent apps or use it as primary.
- Recents FAB Button - Positions (Top left, Top right, Top center, Bottom left, Bottom right, Bottom center)
- LCD Density Adjuster
- Volume Steps
- Hide superuser icon in statusbar
- Double tap to sleep on navigation bar and status bar
- Instant reboot from power menu
- App Circle Sidebar
- Captive Portal - If disabled, a connection to google servers is not required in order to detect data connection.
- CyanogenMod Theme Engine
- Statusbar Clock Customization
- Volume Steps
- Inbuilt File Manager from OmniROM
- Quick pulldown
- Moar Material!
- Battery icon customization
Follow us on these social media websites for updates on the development. Join our Google+ Community for insider conversations with the devs and other users.![]()
- Download ROM, check md5sum, and place rom in your internal/external sdcard.
- Boot into recovery and wipe system, cache, data. (Make sure you make a backup to avoid hassle.)
- Flash FlexOS ROM Package and gapps (optional).
- CyanogenMod
- SlimRoms
- OmniROM
- ThinkingBridge
- Nico60, Temasek, Cristiano matos etc.
XDA:DevDB Information
FlexOS 5.1 , ROM for the Nexus 6
Source Code: http://github.com/FlexOS
ROM OS Version: 5.1.x Lollipop
Version Information
Status: Beta
Created 2015-04-19
Last Updated 2015-04-19
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