Easy caliberation of proximity sensor for samsung devices topic


hey guys I just found out a very simple way to fix proximity sensor
no use of abd or terminal amulator or even a computer

1. Download Root Explorer.
2.go to /sys/devices/virtual//sensors/proximity_sensor.
3.Open the file prox_cal.
4.It wud show two values(for eg my phone showed 0,16)
5.here only 0 is important.
6.now go to another file named "state"
7.It wud be required to change the permissions as it is a read only file.
8.Long press state and change permissions.(If u donot understand tick all permissions.)
9.it would also show a number.(eg my phone had 16).
10.now we need to enter both the values together(i.e. 0 and 16);
11.as their addition is 16 convert them into hexadecimal code.(hexadecimal of 16 is 10.)
12.now go to /efs
13.open the file prox_cal
14.u wud be required to change its permissions too.
15.Open it in text editor
16.Erase anything written in it and simply write the number that u got(mine was 16).
17.Save the file.
18.Reboot the system.
19.after restart go in the keypad and dail *#0*#
20.go in the sensors and just move your finger over the proximity sensor.
21.If screen turns green your work is done.
22.Your proximity sensor is succesfukky caliberated.
23.Reset the file permissions that you had changed.
(state= r--r----- ; and prox cal=r--r-----).


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