Dramatic Battery improvement for Note3 Lollipop. topic


If you have a note3 you can apply my next advices for reduce battery consumption.

1- Deactivate Samsung bloatware applications.
2- Sync accounts has to be reduced to minimum. Special effort on google sync.
3- [root] Aplication Greenify. Frozen every app that you do not use often or not need background sync.
4- Google apps like Search or Google Now have options for localize that eats your battery.
5- [root] Increase screen time by reducing brightness to lover levels with aplication LUX.
6- Never use the “battery saver mode” from Samsung. It will increase your battery consumption...

If you are interested in these points I will explain them detailed now:

1- Deactivate Samsung bloatware applications.

Go to: Settings – General – Administrate applications – All

You can now see the list of all apps installed. You can click on any app, enter on its options and disable it (if possible). I will list the samsung apps that I have frozen:

Adapt Sound, Bloomberg+, BlurbCheckOut, Chaton, e-kiosk, Evernote, Samsung bill, Flipboard, Travel background, Google play Magazine, Google play movies, Group Play, Hangouts, User Manual, My files, Phase Beam, Rzeczpospolita, S Beam, S Health, S Translator, S voice, Samsung Galaxy, Samsung Galaxy apps widget, Samsung link, Platform conectivity, Samsung Push Service, Samsung Watch on, Sapa Monitor, SketchBook for galaxy, SkyCash, Story Album, Story Album Widget, Talkback, Tripadvisor, Unified Daemon (EUR), Yahoo Finance.

- 36 apps less that will not sync and will not take cpu time...

2- Sync accounts have to be reduced to minimum. Special effort on google sync.

Go to: Settings – General – Accounts

Click on by one all and enter to configurate all the apps that are in the list. Unsync any app that you really do not have to get to sync on background. Remember that any time you enter in an app it will automatically sync.
Special effort with google account. What I recommend is just to have the following syncs activated:

Calendar, Chrome, Contacts, App Data, Gmail, Information about people.

Rest of syncs are not really needed. You will have perfectly done the pictures backup, music and so on. But not needed eternal sync in background.

3- [root] App Greenify. Frozen every app that you do not use often or not need to sync.

I recommend DO NOT install XPOSED yet to samsung lollipop devices. But this app is still very helpful. Install Greenify from the google play store. Donation package extremely recommended.

Inside the app Greenify, Go to: Settings – Experimental characteristics – Working mode – Select: Root (and go back)

In the app you can select all the apps that you do not normally use. Nearly ALL apps. Do not frozen apps from the system, just the installed apps. Do not freeze any app that need background sync (remember the apps you have left to sync in the point 2).

4- Google apps like search or google now have options for localize that eats your battery.

Open the app “Settings from Google” that you have installed in your phone (Oh! Surprise!).

Select “Search and google now ” – Accounts and privacity – Share information about trips – Select NO. (Go back)
Select Voice – OK google detection – Unselect everything!!. (go back) (and go back again)
Select last option “localize” – Historical localization from Google – Turn to off.

Now your google play services will save a lot of battery.

5- [root] Increase screen time reducing brightness to lover levels with app LUX.

Note3 screen is very good and brighter, but it eats the battery very fast. Install the app called LUX and reduce to normal values the bright of the screen. You can double the time in “screen on” just with a bit less of bright.

6- Never use the battery saver from samsung. It will increase you battery consumption...

I do not know the reason, sorry for this. But when you will try to save battery using the note3 setting of “battery saving mode” you will increase battery consumption…

Remember click on “thanks” if this has helped you!

You are welcome! :cool:


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