Audio Mode. How to enable Mono? topic


Hi guys. I had the moto g2 for like 10 days before I dropped it. Sent it for repair but the technician busted my bottom speaker. It's a long story...

Anyway I've been like this for as long as I can remember (my main issue is notification sounds, Apparently they only play in bottom speaker eaker) and I noticed that the g2 audio chip supports mono output.

Searched for ways to enable Mono audio but to no luck.

I think Samsung phones have this option under accessibility...

Do you guys have any idea how to do this?

More info: I'm on Titan Prime 1.0.3. Xposed installed.

Sent from my xt1063/64 from work, school, or toilet.

Android: Lollipop 5.0.2
Rom: Titan Prime v1.0.3


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