[APP][IR] OneRemote 0.1b topic


OneRemote is an app that utilizes the HTC One IR blaster to turn your smartphone into an all-in-one smart remote for all your IR remote controlled or operated equipment.
  • Learn existing household remotes and save them to a database

  • Set learned remotes to different profiles

  • 4 profiles total meaning your phone can replace 4 household remotes

Future plans include whatever bells and whistles I can think of. Not really much at the moment, but maybe change remote color or vibrate on key press on/off etc... But Im thinking the first thing id like to implement is a central database so users can opt in to sharing their learned remotes and help build the database.

Anyways, feedback and or ideas/feature requests are more than welcome! :D

XDA:DevDB Information
OneRemote, Device Specific App for the HTC One (M8)


Version Information
Status: Beta
Current Beta Version: 0.1b
Beta Release Date: 2015-04-14

Created 2015-04-15
Last Updated 2015-04-15


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