[APKs][ZIPs]HTC Sense GOODIES :D topic


Hi mates!
Check my goodies from sense i've been working so far .
#HTC Camera , Gallery , Music Player Pack (Sense 6) (Flashable zip)
#Sense 6 KB - #Langs Pack (Install like any other apps)
#Sense 7 KB (Flashable zip) - (Use lang packs from sense 6 kb)
#HTC service pack (Required for everything)

BUGS: are some , you are free to reply them ;)

Coming soon: Blinkfeed from sense 7 . htc camera from sense 7 , and and few mores . - I'm uploading them now ;)

Credits : To all users i've gathered the libs and the apks .
To my devoted testers : @vishal11in , @avirk .
If i missed you tell me and i'll credit you .

Thread still under construction :laugh:

XDA:DevDB Information
HTC Sense PORTED APKs, App for all devices (see above for details)

Christian Nothing

Version Information
Status: Testing

Created 2015-04-18
Last Updated 2015-04-18


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